Saturday 16 December 2017

Pain at the doctors.

Well, I knew I had had a rough week but I didn't realise how rough it had been, With Robyn's help I made it to the doctors and saw the practise nurse for a painful little procedure. But it was awful; in the morning I could hardly walk and slept after breakfast far too late. I had to get ready in a hurry and that hurt too.

I made it there in my wheelchair but getting in and out of it was agony.

Home and the late painkillers didn't help at all. Sat in my chair I was a ratty, angry, pain ridden old grump until the evening. This is no fun at all and neither am I.

Robyn watched a Christmas movie which transformed me into a Scrooge, which is not what I'm like.

Either the painkillers aren't working properly or the illness is getting far worse. Either way, it's a huge struggle just doing the smallest things.

Tomorrow I rest up.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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