Friday 3 November 2017

The things I did!

I had a quiet day today - sleeping a lot and generally thinking about things. Tomorrow is my birthday although these days I'm not as excited about that as I used to be.

Not least, six years ago today I went up to West Middlesex Hospital for what I thought was just an appointment when in fact I had a rather nasty biopsy done which no one had warned me about. Worse, my cancer was so bad that the doctor who did it didn't bother to wait for the results and just gave me the news with both barrels. And that included how poor my chances were.

As I said that was six years ago and no one thought I would survive this long. Unfortunately, it's been a real struggle; lots of failed treatments, lots of bad side effects and more than a few very close shaves with the grim reaper.

Being still here is sometimes quite amazing although tonight a bit sad as we would normally have gone out to watch fireworks which we both love. I'm not up to things like that any more.

But six years! And didn't I do some things!

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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1 comment:

  1. Having a Birthday is proof that you're not dead yet. Keep living your best life and be grateful.
