Monday 16 October 2017

Small world.

Sunday was really rough going - with some new back pains to keep me company. Today, I didn't feel like going to the Doctors to register, I was too shaky and still in a lot of pain. But I did phone them and they should take me on....I'm in the right catchment area.

I'm hoping to go there on Wednesday now.

Meanwhile we were circled by the remnants of a tropical hurricane, which scooted it's way up Ireland missing us.

But all afternoon there was the strangest orange sky and red sun which was either caused by sand sucked up from the Sahara desert or of smoke and ash from wild fires in Portugal.

Either way it was a really strange atmosphere, as though there was about to be an almighty storm but in the end it cleared.

It's a really small world.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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