Sunday 15 October 2017

Bad Sunday.

I had another really painful night, with the pain stretching on onto the day. In fact I've developed some new pains in new places which has been very demoralising. Also, I've ben getting Robyn down too, which I don't mean to do and which doesn't help.

It all seemed so much easier when I was on my own and didn't have to worry about the consequences of the illness on someone else. Once you care about someone else it's all much harder, much tougher.

Tomorrow I've got to try to get it together to go off to the one Doctor who may have me and to try and persuade them to let me register. My mobility is definitely suffering and what is really just a short journey to near Tesco's is starting to look like another mountain to climb.

Wish me luck!

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
Contact me:

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