Thursday 19 May 2016

Junior Doctors won?

After 8 days of strikes (and we were there) spread over the last five months, the government and the BMA have reached agreement over the Junior Doctors contracts and it's going to a vote soon.

I'd like to be triumphant because the tories have been forced into a compromise they didn't want to make; the power of a Union beat them down.

Which is  a lesson for everyone.

And while I'm glad I won't have to be on the picket line any more (I'm getting a bit too ill for that), I regret the deal.

While the Doctors have won concessions on pay and hours, the strike wasn't just about that. The door has been opened to unpaid anti social hours and weaker workers in the NHS are now going to face the same attack by this government.

Of all the Doctors we spoke to, the issues were always about the future of the NHS, professional standards and work life balance.

I'm urging a vote against the deal but however it goes, it shows that a strong union is a match for any tory government.

Remember that.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)
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