Friday 22 January 2016

Back at Charing Cross Hospital.

I'm back at Charing Cross Hospital - still waiting for a Chemo appointment but that's looking like next week now.

Today was all about my kidney which is OK but I'm going to have another operation in about 5 months - maintenance work.

Outside the hospital the campaigners were ramping up their campaign to save the hospital.

Currently the governors big plan is to sell off most of the land which means that the hospital would be demolished and replaced with expensive private housing, while a small new hospital would be built somewhere behind the development.

This is part of Imperial College - it's a world famous research centre as well as a hospital that once had an outstanding reputation. It's unbelievable that this 'plan' could even be considered.

This is clearly unacceptable - as you can see the patients were queuing up to sign the petition;

I will of course follow the campaign and support it where I can.

Meanwhile after my appointment we went off somewhere else but I'll tell you all about that tomorrow.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)

Contact me: neilwithpromisestokeep@gmail

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