Wednesday 20 August 2014

Walton Working Men's Club

Thank goodness The Hobgoblin is going back to having bands on a Saturday night.

I don’t do bad reviews of bands – if they aren’t any good you just don’t hear about it.

                                   The Club Secretary.
But a trip out to Walton on Saturday night took us much further away; a trip far back in time to an unpleasant world of dingy Working men’s clubs that have nothing but contempt for working people.

A club that wants to take your money but doesn’t actually want any visitors.

A club that has no respect for CIU card holders and which doesn’t advertise that it charges entrance for the joys of its bad beer and bullying officials.

We left after a few minutes and won’t be back.

The general collapse of these clubs is no accident – there’s no pleasure in being treated like that and we are better off without them.

When the club officials wonder why there’s no one there they should consider that half the working population are women and the other half are young.

Even working men are used to carrying around smart phones and tablets these days.

It’s another world out there.


By contrast, the range of venues with live music is growing and as my reviews have shown you can catch some amazing sounds in pleasant surroundings.

Guess which will survive and which aren’t going to be around much longer?

So we went down to the river’s edge, talked and ate noodles.

Watching summer slowly ebb away and discussing ‘An American Werewolf in London’.

A great film but with just one problem; we don’t have any wolves here so how could anyone have got bitten in the first place?

Just give Walton Working Men’s Club a miss next time you think about going to see a band there.

Neil Harris

(a don’t stop till you drop production)


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