Saturday 9 August 2014

The great Charing Cross hospital sell-off.


I don't know, the last couple of weeks have devastated me.

I will write about it soon - I've started to get emails because people realise something's happened.

Things haven't been so good.

Then I was at Charing Cross Hospital, which compared to the Doctors who have made things worse for me have really tried hard.

This forlorn protest was for the recent meeting of the trustees of the hospital.

And as you can see it didn't work. The trustees voted to demolish half the hospital to sell off the land to pay for new developments.

They portray people like these protestors as being against progress - the point is that to sell of the best part of the site prevents any future development - like the building of Maggies cancer centre. And none of us can predict future needs.

It's short sighted, gives in to a hostile government, leaves patients with many years of disruption and building work and ends up with the hospital as a shadow of its former self.

Oh and some people make themselves a lot of money out of the sell off of public land.

If I wasn't so angry anyway, I'd make a clearer case against this suicidal plan. And it didn't exactly cheer me up either.

Neil Harris
(a don't stop till you drop production)


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