Monday 19 May 2014

The High-s lighting up Bracknell.

The Highs!m

This is Bracknell;


At the Travelodge hotel the guests were standing around on the pavement outside drinking lager.
There are endless Dual carriageways, office blocks and windswept underpasses - ‘A town called Malice’.
– but not on Saturday night it wasn’t.

Because Saturday night  was when the mods came out to play at The Royal Oak.

The High-s were in town to play their usual mix of 1960’s Rythm and Blues, classic Jam and Paul Weller.

This is the opening of ‘See me, feel me’ by The Who.

The High-s are just back from their two bank holiday appearances on Brighton Pier marking the 50th anniversary of mod culture hitting the scene.

There was dancing past midnight – see what I mean?;

I’m a bit past that and far too cool to get remotely excited about being given one of these;

If you haven’t yet taken a journey into the land of a thousand dances – then you need to check out The High-s……
Click on a picture for a slideshow - Blogger is getting meaner and meaner in giving out bandwidth for pictures.
Neil Harris

(a don’t stop till you drop production)


BeaTles    say;




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