Sunday 5 May 2013

No more mr Nice Guy.

OK, I don’t have forever – its no more ‘Mr NiceGuy’.

Remember the NHS Weekly Sitreps? – they still keep coming, every week they collect the stats for every hospital and stick ‘em up on the web. Except no one is sad enough to keep an eye on them, except me.

The Tory target is that 95% of patients would be seen by A and E within 4 hours. Under Labour it was 98%.
Ashford and St. Peter's NHS Foundation Trust.

Week Commencing            Type 1                All

21/4/13                                   87.5%               89.1%

28/4/13                                   92.8%               93.8%

Do I have to keep on doing this?

I’ve got better things to do with my time. I could be in Acapulco. (Perhaps not – little white lie there)

But this has been going on since February, and it’s got to stop. For a moment stop thinking about targets, fines for poor performance and the care Quality Commission – 28/4/13 saw 25 people wait more than 4 hours but less than 12 to be seen.

That’s 25 real live people.

So, lets get those Consultants up to 10.

Remember Chant No. One?

One, two will not do,

Three, four, we need more.

Five, six won’t do tricks.

Seven, eight, up too late.

Nine, nine, that’s not fine.

When, when, do we get ten?

As far as I can see,

we need ten more consultants

at St. Peter’s A and E.


Those were the days……

Neil Harris

(a don’t stop till you drop production)

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